Price: $30 plus shipping Price does not include shipping. Shipping rates are calculated at the time of shipment. We will ship via UPS or USPS using the fastest shipping method available for delivery of queens. Shipments are not insured. We can only guarantee the queen bees are delivered to UPS or USPS in good condition. After the queens are shipped, they become the responsibility of the purchaser. Queens are also available for pickup at our McCalla, Alabama or Aliceville, Alabama locations.
The 5 Frame Nucs will include 5 frames of bees, eggs, larvae, sealed brood, honey, pollen, and a new queen. (This does NOT include a box) PICK UP ONLY. We have a few options for you regarding pickup
- Drop off your own boxes ahead of time. Be sure to leave your name and phone number under the lid.
- Bring your own boxes at the time of pickup and we will happily transfer your bees for you.
- Temporary Nuc box- We have temporary nuc boxes available in our shop for transferring your bees home. $25
3-1 Syrup mixture. This is a pick-up item only; we do not ship. We store in bulk therefore you must bring your own bucket to be filled.
Get your bees ready for Spring!!! Add pollen substitute along with your syrup feed to help guarantee your bees survival after the long winter months. Our patties are kept frozen until ready to use to ensure quality. No discounts on quantities. Pick-up only. No shipping.
For your convenience, we offer temporary nuc boxes for transferring your bees home.